Create A New High School And We’ll Guess Which Subject You’re Best At

Create A New High School And We’ll Guess Which Subject You’re Best At

Designing your dream high school isn’t just about classrooms and lockers—it’s about crafting an environment that caters to your strengths and interests. From science labs to art studios, every detail shapes the educational experience. By creating your ideal high school, we’ll make an educated guess about which subject you excel in.

  1. Location: Where is your dream high school located?
    • A bustling city center
    • A serene countryside
    • A vibrant coastal town
    • A picturesque mountain range
  2. Architecture: What does your dream high school building look like?
    • A modern glass-and-steel structure
    • A historic building with intricate detailing
    • A sustainable, eco-friendly design
    • A futuristic, avant-garde masterpiece
  3. Classrooms: How are the classrooms arranged?
    • Traditional rows of desks facing the front
    • Collaborative pods for group work
    • Flexible seating options for different learning styles
    • Outdoor classrooms to connect with nature
  4. Extracurriculars: What extracurricular activities does your school offer?
    • Robotics club and coding competitions
    • Theater productions and improv workshops
    • Environmental club and community gardening
    • Sports teams for every season
  5. Technology: How is technology integrated into learning?
    • Smartboards in every classroom
    • 3D printers and virtual reality labs
    • Online courses and digital portfolios
    • Coding boot camps and tech incubators
  6. Subjects: Which subjects are emphasized in your curriculum?
    • Science and technology
    • Humanities and literature
    • Arts and creativity
    • Physical education and health
  7. Special Features: What unique features does your high school have?
    • A rooftop garden for sustainability projects
    • A recording studio for music and podcasts
    • A maker space for DIY projects and inventions
    • A meditation room for mindfulness and well-being

Now that you’ve envisioned your ideal high school, it’s time to reveal which subject you’re best at…


  • If you chose mostly A’s: You’re likely best at Science and Technology. Your high school focuses on innovation and discovery, with state-of-the-art labs and cutting-edge technology to fuel your curiosity.
  • If you chose mostly B’s: You’re likely best at Humanities and Literature. Your high school values critical thinking and creativity, offering literature circles, debate teams, and writing workshops to hone your analytical skills.
  • If you chose mostly C’s: You’re likely best at Arts and Creativity. Your high school is a haven for expression and imagination, with art studios, performance spaces, and galleries where you can explore your passion for the arts.
  • If you chose mostly D’s: You’re likely best at Physical Education and Health. Your high school prioritizes wellness and fitness, offering a range of sports teams, outdoor activities, and health education programs to keep both your mind and body in top shape.

No matter which subject you excel in, your dream high school is a place where you can thrive and pursue your passions to the fullest.

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