Tipps & Tricks

Wie kann man den Boden der Toilette aufhellen? 6 Tipps, damit es wie neu aussieht

12. Pay Attention to the Waterline

The waterline is often where the most stubborn stains form, as it is constantly exposed to water and bacteria. To address this area specifically, lower the water level in the toilet bowl by turning off the water supply and flushing the toilet. This will allow you to access and scrub the waterline more effectively. Once you’ve finished cleaning, turn the water back on and flush the toilet again to refill the bowl.

13. Regularly Check for Leaks

Leaky toilets can contribute to staining by allowing water to continuously flow into the bowl. Regularly inspect your toilet for leaks by checking the water levels and listening for any sounds of running water. If you suspect a leak, contact a plumber to address the issue promptly. Fixing leaks can prevent stains from forming and save water in the long run.

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