Tipps & Tricks

Wie kann man den Boden der Toilette aufhellen? 6 Tipps, damit es wie neu aussieht

4. Apply Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another excellent cleaning agent that can help brighten the toilet bowl. It has bleaching properties that can effectively remove stains and kill bacteria. To use hydrogen peroxide, pour about a cup into the toilet bowl and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. This will give the peroxide time to work on the stains. Afterward, scrub the bowl with a toilet brush and flush to rinse away the solution. Hydrogen peroxide is a safe and non-toxic option that leaves the toilet sparkling clean.

5. Use Borax for Deep Cleaning

Borax is a powerful cleaning agent that can tackle even the most persistent stains in the toilet. To use borax, sprinkle about a cup into the toilet bowl, making sure to cover the stained areas. Then, add a cup of vinegar to enhance the cleaning power. Let the mixture sit for at least an hour, allowing the borax to penetrate and dissolve the stains. Scrub the bowl thoroughly with a toilet brush, paying extra attention to stubborn spots. Finally, flush the toilet to remove all residue. Borax is an effective solution for toilets with heavy staining and mineral buildup.

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