
Cómo regar las orquídeas sin que se pudran las raíces: mantenlas llenas de flores

14. Repotting and Watering

Repotting is an essential practice to prevent root rot and maintain healthy orchids. Over time, the potting medium can break down, reducing aeration and drainage. Orchids should be repotted every 1-2 years to refresh the medium and check for any root issues. Repotting also provides an opportunity to assess the watering needs and make adjustments as necessary.

15. Conclusion: Achieving Healthy, Blooming Orchids

Caring for orchids requires attention to detail, particularly when it comes to watering. By understanding their unique needs and adapting your watering practices accordingly, you can prevent root rot and keep your orchids blooming beautifully. With the right balance of moisture, proper potting medium, and attention to environmental factors, orchids can thrive and reward you with their stunning flowers for years to come.

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