Tipps & Tricks


8. The Water Bath Technique

The water bath, or “bain-marie,” is a classic technique that still surprises many with its versatility. It’s commonly used for gentle, even cooking of delicate dishes like custards or cheesecakes. By placing a dish in a pan of hot water inside the oven, chefs can prevent direct heat exposure, reducing the risk of cracking or overcooking. This method is also used in tempering chocolate, ensuring a glossy finish without seizing. The water bath’s multifaceted application makes it an essential trick in both savory and sweet culinary arts.

9. Microwave Garlic Trick

Peeling garlic can be a time-consuming task, but a quick microwave trick can make it effortless. By microwaving garlic cloves for about 10 seconds, the skins loosen, allowing them to slip right off. This is particularly beneficial for recipes requiring large amounts of garlic, saving time and reducing the hassle. This simple trick highlights how modern technology, like microwaves, can simplify traditional cooking techniques, making kitchen tasks more efficient.

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