Just How Nerdy Are You?

“Geek chic is in, and being nerdy is cooler than ever! From superhero movies to video games to obscure trivia, there’s a little nerd in all of us. But just how deep does your love for all things nerdy go? Take our quiz to find out!

  1. What’s your favorite way to spend a Friday night? a) Binge-watching the latest sci-fi/fantasy series on Netflix b) Hosting a game night with friends, complete with Dungeons & Dragons or board games c) Attending a cosplay convention or comic book expo d) Solving puzzles and cracking codes in an escape room
  2. When it comes to books, which genre do you gravitate towards? a) Science fiction or fantasy b) Graphic novels or manga c) Non-fiction books about niche topics like quantum physics or ancient mythology d) Mystery or detective novels
  3. What’s your preferred gaming platform? a) PC master race! b) Console gaming all the way c) Tabletop games like Magic: The Gathering or Warhammer d) Mobile gaming for convenience
  4. Which fictional universe would you most like to live in? a) Star Wars b) Middle-earth (from The Lord of the Rings) c) Hogwarts (from Harry Potter) d) The Marvel Cinematic Universe
  5. Your ideal vacation destination is: a) A futuristic city like Tokyo or Seoul b) New Zealand, to explore the stunning landscapes seen in The Lord of the Rings c) A pilgrimage to San Diego Comic-Con or a similar event d) London, to visit the locations from Sherlock Holmes stories
  6. What’s your opinion on cosplay? a) I love it! I’ve cosplayed as my favorite character multiple times. b) It’s cool, but I haven’t tried it myself. c) I admire the dedication, but it’s not really my thing. d) What’s cosplay?

Now, add up your answers and let’s see just how nerdy you really are!

If you mostly chose:

  • A’s: You’re a certified nerd! Your deep dive into sci-fi/fantasy and love for all things futuristic make you a true aficionado.
  • B’s: You’re definitely nerdy, especially when it comes to gaming and immersive worlds. You’re the one leading the charge on game night.
  • C’s: You have a nerdy side, but you prefer to explore niche interests and knowledge rather than mainstream geek culture.
  • D’s: You might have a few nerdy tendencies, but you’re not fully immersed in geek culture. You appreciate a good story or puzzle but prefer a more mainstream approach to entertainment.

So, how nerdy did you score? Embrace your inner geek and wear your nerdiness with pride!”

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